Monday, June 30, 2008

Testemi Unhos

Testemunho Gostaríamos de partilhar convosco um grandioso milagre que Deus fez com a nossa netinha, ainda, não nascida, de cinco para seis meses de gestação. Passamos a traduzir parte do e-mail enviado pela nossa nora:

“Pai, Mãe e Nini,
Como têm estado ultimamente? Agradeço as vossas orações e o vosso amor. Não sei tudo quanto o Oscar vos contou, mas Deus tem feito grandes coisas no nosso lar. Começo com o milagre da nossa pequenina. Os médicos estavam certos de que o coração do da estava incompleto, informando-nos ser a razão das complicações da minha gravidez. O Oscar pediu orações na igreja e ungiram-me com óleo. Uma semana mais tarde voltei ao médico e nada se havia alterado. Continuámos a orar e na segunda semana, regressando de novo ao consultório, o médico disse: ‘Eu simplesmente não entendo, comparando as imagens das últimas três semanas com estas, verifico que o coração da bebé está completamente formado e a funcionar perfeitamente.’ Que milagre Deus fez para nós!,,,,,” É-nos impossível não chorar de gratidão e decidimos partilhar com todos este grande milagre, em nome de Jesus. Que o Senhor vos abençoe abundantemente,

Família Martins

Friday, June 27, 2008

Pictures from 2008 National Conference

In June of 2008 the 3rd Annual National Portuguese Evangelism Conference (UPCI) was held in Tiverton, RI. We had a wonderful time singing, preaching and sharing the good news of what the LORD has done. We are thankful for all those that attended. We sincerely appreciate Pastor Stirnemann and Pastor Arruda as well as their respective churches for hosting the event. Listed below are a few pictures from the conference.

Rev. Ocana(California) and Pastor Howard (Boston)

Pastor Howard (Boston), Elder Joseph Domingues (California)

Bro. Leo (Brasil), Rev. Daniel Ocana (Ca), Pastor Howard (Boston)

Bro. Leo (Brasil) and Rev. Jesse Pinheiro (California)

Gloria a Deus

A paz do Senhor,

Saudações no bendito nome de Jesus. Gostaria de conceder as minhas boas vindas a todos quantos visitam o blog “Evangelismo Português”. Estou plenamente convicto de que estamos a viver tempos entusiásticos. Deus está a derramar o seu Espírito sobre toda a carne. Seria bom não nos esquecermos de interceder uns pelos outros, diariamente, em oração. Desejo, com este ministério, comunicar através da internet a fim de partilhar o evangelho com todas as gentes e Nações de Língua Portuguesa. Incentivo todos a participar, testificar e a partilhar qualquer novidade, pedidos de oração, fotos e contactos com que se possam deparar.

Agradeço que divulguem este blog a todos quantos possível. O Deus que servimos é poderoso e magnânimo, sendo o criador dos céus e da terra e conhecendo a necessidade do seu povo. Sejam frmes, fieis e dedicados à sua palavra; Ele nunca nos abandonará.

Oro para que cada um de vós seja encorajado por este ministério. Que o Senhor abençoe cada um de vós.

Guardai a fé!

Pelo avivamento em Cristo
Reverendo Jesse Pinheiro
California, USA

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Luso American

Luso American

Luso-Americans, or Lusitanic Americans are people living in the United States whose cultural background derives in part from countries with Portuguese speaking roots or traditions.
Luso-Americans include Portuguese Americans, whose roots are directly Portuguese; Brazilian-Americans; and those from other parts of the Lusophone world, such as Cape Verde, Angola or Mozambique. Because of the wide range of national origins of Luso-Americans, the group is considered a cultural one, rather than a homogeneous ethnic group. People of African, Macanese, Portuguese Jewish, and many other origins may be, under certain circumstances, considered Luso-Americans.
A Portuguese American, in contrast, denotes any person born in the United States whose family came to the USA from Portugal.

Luso-Americans can be found in all states and there are sizable Luso-American communities in California, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, New York, Hawaii, Florida, Delaware and Virginia. In total, the members of this community may be more than 3.5 million Americans. Two United States counties, namely Bristol County, Rhode Island and Bristol County, Massachusetts, are home to pluralities of people of Portuguese ancestry. There was dense Portuguese settlement in the Salinas and San Joaquin Valleys in California, namely the cities of Los Banos and Hollister.

Portuguese has been spoken in the United States by small communities of immigrants, especially in (top 20 Luso-American communities in order of size)

Hartford, Connecticut
Fall River, Massachusetts
Miami and nearby Pompano Beach
Ludlow, Massachusetts
New Bedford, Massachusetts
Framingham, Massachusetts
Elizabeth, New Jersey
Bethlehem, Pennsylvania
Bristol, Rhode Island
East Providence, Rhode Island
Los Banos, California
San Francisco, California
San Jose, California
Cranston, Rhode Island
Gustine, California
Mineola, New York
Tulare, California
Hollister, California
San Pedro, California
Redondo Beach, California

Luso-Americans are highly numerous in the metropolitan New York City area. The Ironbound section of Newark, New Jersey is also called "Little Portugal", and 46th Street in Manhattan is also named "Little Brazil Street". Portuguese is also spoken by some Chinese and Macanese immigrants from Macau, especially in California.

Luso-Americans also include speakers of Portuguese-based creoles, such as Macanese (Patuá or Macaista Chapado) and Papiamento. Elements of the Portuguese language can also be found in other former colonies such as Goa and Timor.

*** It doesn't matter what country, part of the world or background, we are all God's children. Let's continue to lift up the name of the LORD and pray for all the Portuguese speaking people/nations***

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Monday, June 23, 2008


Ao contemplar a tua magnitude
E considerando a minha exiguidade
Quem sou eu, Deus Todo-poderoso
Que comigo partilhes tua grandiosidade?!

Tu, o Eterno, O Santo dos Santos,
Generosamente e tão ternamente e me tens amado,
E apesar das minhas muitas fraquezas,
Refugio em ti, graciosamente, tenho encontrado.

Possam teu Espírito e Palavra,
Profunda e imensamente, em mim abundar;
És aquele que amo, encarecidamente,
Pois por um elevado preço me vieste comprar.

E possa eu mais e mais, perfeitamente,
Teu Nome altíssimo e glorioso santificar
Que poderia eu ao Rei dos reis presentear,
Senão a mim mesma e a minha vida inteiramente?!

Isa Martins

Mensagem do Ancião

Em grande apreço e estima pelo nosso povo espalhado pelos quatros cantos do globo, como Coordenador Nacional de Língua Portuguesa, por parte da IPUI/UPCI, desejo marcar aqui a minha presença, expressando o meu amor pelo nosso Deus, Jesus Cristo, bem como a minha disponibilidade ao serviço do Rei dos reis.

Neste presente século, em que o mundo se afigura sem esperança, onde tudo parece desmoronar-se e há tanta dor, muito sinceramente, é bom anunciar que alguém se importa connosco e nos oferece uma vida nova, nesta travessia do deserto espiritual. Vem-me á memória as palavras do Senhor da Glória, ainda antes de ascender aos céus, conforme João 7: 37, “E no último dia, o grande dia da festa, Jesus pôs-se em pé, e clamou, dizendo: Se alguém tem sede, venha a mim, e beba.” Após se assentar no trono, Jesus persiste no mesmo intento, como nos revela Apocalipse 21:4-7, “E Deus limpará de seus olhos toda a lágrima; e não haverá mais morte, nem pranto, nem clamor, nem dor; porque já as primeiras coisas são passadas. E o que estava assentado sobre o trono disse: Eis que faço novas todas as coisas. E disse-me: Escreve; porque estas palavras são verdadeiras e fiéis. E disse-me mais: Está cumprido. Eu sou o Alfa e o Omega, o princípio e o fim. A quem quer que tiver sede, de graça lhe darei da fonte da água da vida. Quem vencer, herdará todas as coisas; e eu serei seu Deus, e ele será meu filho.”

Eis que Ele está à porta, e bate; se alguém ouvir a voz, e abrir a porta, Jesus entrará em sua casa, e com ele ceará... Escutemos a sua voz.

Um abraço e bem haja!

Joseph Domingues

Friday, June 20, 2008

Missionary Focus-Joseph and Rebecca Collins

Region(s): Europe/Middle East Field(s):

Bio: Joseph and Jean Collins served six and one-half years as AIMers before receiving their missionary appointment to Mexico in September 1996. While AIMers in Mexico, they started three churches, helped in the Bible schools, and helped the other missionaries while pastoring a Spanish-speaking work in Laredo, Texas. In 1999, the Collinses moved to Zacatecas, Mexico, and began the first church in that city and became the supervisor over the Zac-Aguas District. When they furloughed in August 2002, they had a church of over 95 faithful members that they turned to Gerardo Aranda. Now that church has 110 members. The Collinses returned to the field in August 2003 but transferred to Portugal in mid-2004. They live in Lisbon, and he is the sub-director of all the Bible schools in Portugal.

Portuguese Republic/República Portuguesa

Population: 10600000Area: 35,514 sq. mi.

Capital: Lisbon

Languages: Portuguese

Religions: Roman Catholic, 91%
Slightly smaller than Indiana, the Portuguese Republic occupies the western portion of the Iberian Peninsula. The nation’s once extensive overseas possessions are now reduced to Macao, the oldest European outpost in China; the Azores, islands about 1,000 miles off Portugal’s coast; and Madeira, an island about 535 miles southwest of Portugal in the Atlantic. Joseph Domingues founded the United Pentecostal Church of Portugal in 1972. Often without a missionary to lead and guide it, the church now has 254 constituents, eight licensed ministers, and ten churches and preaching points.

Note- information provided by the UPCI website

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Cape Verde

The Republic of Cape Verde (Portuguese: Cabo Verde, IPA: ['kabu 'veɾdɨ]), is a republic located on an archipelago in the Macaronesia ecoregion of the North Atlantic Ocean, off the western coast of Africa. The previously uninhabited islands were discovered and colonized by the Portuguese in the fifteenth century (though there may have been earlier discoveries), and attained independence in 1975.

Cape Verde is named after Cap Vert (meaning Green Cape) in Senegal, the westernmost point of continental Africa. The country's name can be pronounced many ways in English. Cape is pronounced like the article of clothing, and Verde is pronounced either to rhyme with "bird", "birdy", "bear D", or "bear day". "Cabo" is not used in English.

Cape Verde was uninhabited when the Portuguese arrived in 1460 and made the islands part of the Portuguese empire. Due to its location off the coast of Africa, Cape Verde became an important watering station, then sugar cane plantation site, and later a major hub of the trans-atlantic slave trade, that would later form the contemporary African Diaspora.

Cape Verde is an archipelago off the west coast of Africa at 15.02N, 23.34W. It is formed by 10 main islands and about 8 islets. The main islands are:
Barlavento (northern island group)
Santo Antão
São Vicente
Santa Luzia
São Nicolau
Boa Vista
Sotavento (southern island group)
Of these, only Santa Luzia and the five islets are uninhabited. Presently it is a natural reserve. All islands are volcanic, but an active volcano only exists on one of the islands, Fogo (see Mount Fogo).

The culture of Cape Verde reflects its mixed African and Portuguese roots. It is well known for its diverse forms of music such as Morna and a wide variety of dances: the soft dance Morna, and its modernized version, passada, the Funaná - a sensual mixed Portuguese and African dance, the extreme sensuality of coladeira, and the Batuque dance. These are reflective of the diverse origins of Cape Verde's residents. The term "Criolo" is used to refer to residents as well as the culture of Cape Verde.

Cape Verde's official language is Portuguese. It is the language of instruction and official acts. However, the Cape Verdean Creole is used colloquially and is the mother tongue of virtually all Cape Verdeans. Cape Verdean Creole or Kriolu is a dialect continuum of a Portuguese-based creole, which varies from island to island

Currently there is no Apostolic-Pentecostal Church in Cape Verde

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Pray for the Azores

The Azores (Portuguese: Açores pronounced [ɐˈsoɾɨʃ] or [ɐˈsoɾʃ]) are a Portuguese archipelago in the Atlantic Ocean, about 1,500 km (950 mi) from Lisbon and about 3,900 km (2,400 mi) from the east coast of North America. The two westernmost Azorean islands (Flores and Corvo) actually lie on the North American plate and are only 1,925 km (1,200 mi) from St. John's in the Canadian province of Newfoundland and Labrador. The Azores' most significant industries are tourism, cattle raising for milk and meat, and fishing.
The nine major Azorean islands and the eight small Formigas extend for more than 600 km (373 mi) and lie in a northwest-southeast direction. The vast extension of the islands defines an immense exclusive economic zone of 1.1 million km². The westernmost point of this area is 3,380 km (2,100 mi) from the North American continent. All of the islands have volcanic origins, although Santa Maria also has some reef contribution. The mountain of Pico on Pico Island, at 2,351 m (7,713 ft) in altitude, is the highest in all of Portugal. The Azores are actually the tops of some of the tallest mountains on the planet, as measured from their base at the bottom of the ocean. The archipelago forms the Autonomous Region of Azores, one of the two autonomous regions of Portugal.
Although it is commonly said that the archipelago is named after the goshawk (Açor in Portuguese) because it was supposed to be a common bird at the time of discovery, the bird actually never existed on the islands. Some historians indicate the archaic Portuguese word "azules" (the plural of blue) because of the colour of the islands when seen from afar. Most, however, insist that the name is derived from birds, pointing to a local subspecies of the buzzard (Buteo buteo), as the animal the first explorers erroneously identified as goshawks.



There are five cities in the Azores: Ponta Delgada and Ribeira Grande on São Miguel Island; Angra do Heroísmo and Praia da Vitória on the island of Terceira, and Horta on the island of Faial. Three of these Ponta Delgada, Angra and Horta are considered capital cities in the regional government, homes to the President (Ponta Delgada), the Judiciary (Angra) and the Regional Assembly (Horta).

On 31 December 2002, the Azores' population was 238,767 at a density of 106 inhabitants per square kilometer (274.5/sq mi).

Population of Islands (2002)

Sao Miguel Island 130,154

Terceira Island 54,996

Faial Island 14,934

Pico Island 14,579
Sao Jorge Island 9,522

Santa Maria Island 5,490

Graciosa Island 4,708

Flores Island 3,949

Corvo Island 435

Total 238,767


2008 Conference